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Bullshit Jobs

:cc0: A Bullshit Job is defined by [[David Graeber]] in his 2018 book Bullshit Jobs: A Theory as

"a form of paid employment that is so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee cannot justify its existence even though, as part of the conditions of employment, the employee feels obliged to pretend that this is not the case."

Graeber makes some back of the envelope arguments that a staggeringly high percentage of jobs in developed western countries are Bullshit by this definition and that this sector of bullshit work has been steadily growing since the mid-century. The paradox this raises is as follows: You would expect pointless employment in the historical Soviet Union as full employment was part of a federal program. How is it that a Capitalist economy, which is supposedly focused on efficiency and production, is systematically wasting resources this way? Graeber argues that are current regime of employment doesn't resemble classical capitalism so much as Managerial Feudalism. Like a feudal lord, a big shot CEO or VP can demonstrates their status by keeping a magnificent array of flunkies. The more flunkies that such a manager possesses, the more magnificent they must be. Graeber argues that bullshit work has proliferated with the rise of the so called FIRE sector (Finance. Insurance. Real Estate), and the corporatization/professionalization of the administrative aspects of Non-profits, Universities, and Hospitals. The bullshit job is not benign and is responsible for draining the productivity out of the economy. Each of these flunkies has to justify their existence. They often do this by creating more paperwork for everyone else to fill out and contributes to a massive increase in bureaucracy. Meanwhile, while so many people are working 50-60 hour weeks at their bullshit job, entire industries have formed around the premise that people are too busy to take care of themselves. Graeber calls these 2nd order bullshit jobs. The all night pizza delivery services, meal kits, and dog walkers would simply not be necessary if people were not wasting their lives pointlessly employed. Moreover, the bullshit job is often harmful to the person it employs. Graeber coins the word "Spiritual Violence" to describe the psychological harm inherit in being forces to do a pointless task all while pretending to everyone that it is terribly important. He argues that this contributes to sadomasochistic behaviors in the workplace and to jealousy toward those whose work has a purpose. Graeber points out that, with few exceptions, the more a job tangibly helps someone, the less our society is willing to compensate a person for doing it. Teachers, nurses, and social workers are among the lowest paid professions while corporate lawyers, advertising executives, executive vice-provosts, and corporate vision directors are highly compensated. Those employed in these bullshit professions form a somewhat cohesive social class that Graeber terms the Administrative Class. The traditionally left leaning political parties in countries like the United States and the UK have failed to mount a critique of bullshit work as a large part of their constituency is comprised of this Administrative Class. For example, the nurses union represents both the nurses and the health care administrators. This creates internal conflict that is impossible to resolve. ...This bullshit economy maintains itself, in part, because it engenders attitudes that benefit the very wealthy and powerful... Graeber argues that ending bullshit work and redefining the value of employment is incredibly important to our survival as we face dual climate and ecological crises. Our focus on production, and our insistence on so much meaningless production for the sake of maintaining bullshit work, is causing enormous ecological damage. Instead of valuing productive work, we should value caring work. Task that have historically been thought of as "women's work", (caring for children and the elderly, educating, social work, cooking, cleaning, ect... ) should be the most valued as they are the most needed. Graeber argues that [[Universal Basic Income]], pared with universal health care and other social safety nets are an important step in bringing about this shift in our conception of labor and in eliminating bullshit jobs. Access to UBI would enable the abused bullshit worker to quit their job without dire consequences. Similarly, those interested in pursuing work that provides meaningful care for others would not need to face financial hardship due to that work being poorly compensated. For many engaged in bullshit work, doing anything else would likely by a net benefit to society. For example, if all corporate lawyers were to instead become poets (even bad poets), society on the whole would likely be a better place for ordinary people to live.

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