d9 $ midicmd "start" # s "midi"
scalePattern = slow 12 ""
generateMelodicSeed = slow 4
$ linger 0.5
$ repeatCycles 3
-- $ palindrome \n
$ (+ (slow (irand (4)+1) (sometimes (inversion) (run (irand (4)+1)))))
$ slow ((irand 3) + 1)
$ e ("x"<~>(irand 8)) 8
$ "x*16"<~>(irand 5)
d9 $ midicmd "start" # s "midi"
index > /home/xinniw/Documents/garden/Gall's
Gall's Law
"A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system." - John Gall
John Gall was a systems thinker and paediatrician operating out of Ann Arbor Michigan. He wrote several influential books about systems design. He is a big influence on Rich Sheridan and James Goeble. At Menlo Innovations, we had Gall's law printed on a wall in giant font.
index > /home/xinniw/Documents/garden/Gall's