inversion = (* (-1))
d9 $ midicmd "start" # s "midi"
-- $ rev \n
$ note
((scaleP scalePattern
-- $ off 4 ((+ 2 ).slow 2) \n
-- $ off 1 (inversion.slow 2) \n
$(rotR 1.5 )
$(+ slow 8 "x" <~> generateMelodicSeed)
-- $ inversion \n
$ generateMelodicSeed
))#s "[pe-gtr:12,midi]" #gain 1.2 #orbit 3 #midichan 4
inversion = (* (-1))
Immersive Media
Immersive Media is a class I took in the Fall of 2022 taught by Anıl Çamcı at University of Michigan. It focused on theory and practice of creating immersive media experiences. The projects in the course had us create basic Video Games, VR games, as well as sonic environments and VR based musical instruments.
Course Synthesis
A Brief History Of Virtual Reality and Immersive Media
Definition of terms
Virtuality - an ersatz or simulated experience of reality Immersivity - the experience of being submerged, surrounded. A computational system that surrounds you.
Cave Painting (created 45,000 years ago) - The cave paintings of Sulawesi Island are arguably the first immersive media experience. These caves likely served as a site of ritual and storytelling with the media on the cave walls illuminated and used to immerse the listener in the ritual/story.
Plato's Allegory of the Cave (380 BCE) - Argued that what we experience as reality is limited by what we get to observe. Questions where reality begins and ends.
"How do I know that I am not now Dreaming? How can we tell this is reality?" - Rene Descartes
A negation of abstraction - our experiences of reality are grounded in out experiences of life.
L'arrivee (1896 CE) - First film. Depicted a train rolling toward the audience. Caused a panic on first viewing. People had never seen any thing like this before. Their fear indicates they confused the media with reality. They had no context for the media as it was new.
Properties of new media - When people experience completely new media they are sometimes unable to sense the distortions that distinguish this media from reality. (ex. Edison's A/B tests in Carnegie hall. )
View Master (1939 CE) - A mechanism for taking and viewing stereographic photographs. These photographs produce a sense of depth when viewed through the binocular device.
Morton Helig Sensorama (1957 - 1962) - Patten that forshadowed modern VR. Included smell!
Morton Helig Head-mounted Display (1960) - Eerily similar to modern head-mounted VR units.
Phillo Headsite (1961)
Ivan Sutherland's Sword of Dameclese (1968)
Myron Krueger's Videoplace (1970s)
Artificial Reality (1980s)
Tron (1982)
Atari VR lab (1982)
Neuromancer (1984)
NASA Ames HMD (mid 1980s)
VPL datasuit (mid 1980s)... Data glove... AME Haskell... VPL sought to create a collaborative VR experience where VR is designed from inside VR by multiple people - a kind of shared lucid dream.
Computer world prediction about VR (1992)
UIC Cave (1992)
USCB allosphere (2007)
Microsoft Kinnect (2010- 2017) - RIP - the sad story of the Kinnect illustrated that the corporate vision of tech is not always where it wants to go. Enterprise use of technology is often very different than the uses of everyday people.
UIC Cabe 2 (2012)
VR Today (2022)
Oculus Rift Samsung Gear Playstation VR Microsoft Hololens
Inside out/Outside in tracking
In inside out tracking, the VR apparatus worn by the user senses the planar surfaces surrounding the user and senses the motion of the controllers through space.
In outside in tracking, external sensors track the vr apparatus, user, and space.
The tracking information is used to simulate movement in the virtual space.