d1 $ note ((scaleP scalePattern $ off 4 ((+ 2 ).slow 2) $ off 1 (inversion.slow 2) $ off 3 (inversion.slow 3) $ off 1.5 ((+ 2).rev.slow 2) $ generateMelodicSeed ))#s "[pe-gtr:10,midi]" #gain 1 #orbit 0 #midichan 1 scalePattern = slow 12 "" hush scalePattern = slow 16 ""
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Production and Mixing

Mixing workflow

Get rid off unnecessary low frequencies

FX in general




one strategy for creating more interesting timbres in arrangements is to layer timbres together. Layer synths, guitars, horns, basses, ect...


a melody can be made more interesting by alternating which instruments play a given note in the melody. This is called hocketing.

index > /home/xinniw/Documents/garden/Production.md